The power of peer to peer communication is immense. Online support networks such as No Stigmas ( are providing the much needed compassion for those that are going through anxiety, depression and/or extreme states of consciousness.
There is definitely a gap that needs to be filled with more non-profit organizations that promote unity, compassion and wellness. Empowering those in need with unconditional love and support can help them overcome the symptoms that are experienced when we are out of balance. We're all in this together. We're all part of ONE consciousness. And the quicker we realize this unity consciousness, we can then make the transition from fault-finding and judgement to identifying similarities in order to assist others when they need us most.
During my journey, I've found that during the course of sharing my story and helping others, I've actually benefited the most. Practicing acceptance, forgiveness, and showing empathy is a way of bringing people closer together. We are all part of ONE universal consciousness. Finding ways to connect with others that need support and encouragement not only empowers the receiver, but the giver as well.
Peer to peer communication is all about talking with someone that has experienced the highs and lows that accompany extreme states of mind/mood. Working with someone that has traveled this path can give the perspective, strength and hope that is needed to move through this troubling experience and lead productive lives.
The 'power of believing' we can overcome adversity raises our vibration from the low frequency of fear to a higher frequency of love. Peer to peer support systems provide the connection that serves to energize the human spirit and break down the walls that that stand in the way recovery and growth. The positive energy a peer to peer specialist provides comes from the heart. The desire to help others through their 'Dark Night of the Soul' strengthens the bond of humanity. Simply being there to listen and help people through this transitional period of their lives is the true definition of beauty. The beauty of unity consciousness and the much needed compassion to heal our wounds.
Moving through my inner fears and coming to terms with my past has given me strength. Discarding the many destructive behaviors and defense mechanisms has brought me closer to my friends and family. Surrendering to the moment and accepting myself for I AM..... my true, higher Self that resides deep within this temporary vessel called the body. These are some examples of the messages that we can share.
Moving Forward
When it comes to recovery, I'd like everyone to consider the power of metaphysics and the proposal that we are co-creators in this 3 dimensional experience. We must acknowledge that our thoughts are things. And once we understand that what we think about throws off a vibration that in turn creates our reality, we can take an active role in our recovery. Making a conscious effort to work from the heart, we can create harmony not only in the mental health community, but in society as a whole.
I'd like to propose a new idea. That those that experience extreme states of consciousness are not 'sick', but master manifestors...... meta-physicians, if you will, that are unknowingly creating chaos and depression. If we embrace the fact that we can change our experience in this dimension, we can then step out of the victim mindset and take a active role in our growth and recovery.
Dr Wayne Dyer promotes this mindset in his book, 'Change your Thoughts, Change your Life'. Understanding how the Law of Attraction works, we can can change our vibration and in turn change our experience in this dimension. It's all about how we react to situations we find ourselves in on a daily basis. We must make a conscious effort to use our imagination productively and focus on what we want in our lives vs. what we don't want in our lives. It might sound difficult at first, but with practice it becomes a reality.
Learning the tools to let go and project positive and fulfilling vibrations into the universe will give us the ability to co-create the paradise that we desire. We simply need to disconnect from the Ego and connect with our sixth sense of intuition and work from the heart.
Meditation, prayer, proper nutrition, exercise, consistent sleep patterns and maintaining healthy relationships all contribute to creating harmony during our short stay on this planet. Going deep into the heart and finding our true Self can be liberating and enlightening.
Sharing our experience can give others the ability to see their experience with a new set of eyes.This new perspective can empower us with the courage needed to move through our fears and carry on. Peer to peer communication provides the much needed forum.
Reach out, stay strong and make your dreams become reality.
"The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure that you seek" - Joseph Campbell
It's all about 'The Journey'. And the number one lesson I've learned is that we must 'let go' in order to 'gain control'.... especially on the lonely path of the Spiritual Warrior. By sharing the experiences of my diaGnosis, I hope to not only educate, humor and enlighten; but ultimately provide the much needed strength to discover Truth.
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True Power
" True power does not need arrogance, a long beard and a barking voice. True power is attained with silk ribbons, charm and intelligence"
- Oriana Fallaci in "Il Divo"
- Oriana Fallaci in "Il Divo"