Sometimes when we're lost, we need to loop back around and reintroduce ourselves to the Light ....The Tao ... 'The Way'.
The 17th verse of the Tao Te Ching reads as follows:
" With the greatest leader above them, people barely know one exists.
Next comes one whom they love and praise.
Next comes one whom they fear.
Next comes one whom they despise and defy."
"When a leader trusts no one, no one trusts him."
"The great leader speaks little.
He never speaks carelessly.
He works without self-interest and leaves no trace.
When all is finished, the people say, "We did it ourselves""
Dr. Wayne W. Dyer's thoughts from his book, Change Your Thoughts--Change Your Life;
You can personalize it by substituting the words parent or teacher for leader. 1st you must stay in the background and become an astute observer of what's taking place; then ask yourself how, without interfering, you can create an environment that will help everyone act responsibly.Whatever your decision, you'll be well aware of the need to create an environment where everyone will be able to say,"We fixed it ourselves without the need for any interference from anyone--we really don't need a supervisor."
This approach involves suspending your desire to be seen as a strong authority figure.Truly inspiring leaders get results by their own example: encourage others to be responsible and do the right thing, but not by proclaiming and bragging about their impeachable management. They create space for others to be inspired and to achieve their own greatness. When the time comes for receiving accolades, they dissolve in the background, wanting everyone else to feel that their accomplishments arose from their own leadership qualities.
The supreme Taoist leader always leaves people to choose and pursue their own way of life, their own conception of the good. The view of a self-styled authoritarian is not the way enlightened leaders see themselves; rather, they raise the energy of an environment through a viewpoint that elevates lower inclinations.
In this verse, the Tao offers 3 other ways of choosing to be a leader.
1. To make a difference in the lives of others, resolving conflicts through love. By being an instrument of love and making an effort to praise others, this leader stays in harmony w the Tao. The draw back is that using the approval and affection of a leader for motivation means turning control of one's life over to that leader.
2. The ineffectiveness of fear as a leadership style: if I can get you to do as I desire by using a weapon, then you'll only behave in these ways as long as I have the power to threaten you. When I leave, my influence over you departs as well.
Studies have shown that students in the setting of teachers who were considered strict disciplinarians, they were well behaved when the feared individual was in the room, yet when she or he departed, the classroom turned chaotic. The opposite was true of instructors who viewed education as an opportunity to praise and encourage students: their presence or absence had almost no noticeable impact. This is a great thing to keep in mind if you're a mother or father!
3. Least effective means for managing others is to use tactics that will encourage them to despise you, for the moment they leave your sight, they'll defy all that you say and stand for. Children who despise a parent tend to emulate the hateful tactics to which they were subjected, or they detach themselves completely from that dictatorial parent and spend years attempting to heal the scars from the terrible treatment.
Instead of believing that you know what's best for others, trust that they know what's best for themselves. Allow others to share their thoughts about the path they see for themselves. Let your position be known, but also convey that you trust them to make the right choice. Then step back and peacefully believe that the way you look at this situation will change. Offer praise when those if your charge are making their own decisions, even when their behavior may conflict with yours. Trust yourself to give the best response by not seeing yourself as knowing what's right. "When a leader trusts no one, no one trusts him."
Very powerful..........
It's all about 'The Journey'. And the number one lesson I've learned is that we must 'let go' in order to 'gain control'.... especially on the lonely path of the Spiritual Warrior. By sharing the experiences of my diaGnosis, I hope to not only educate, humor and enlighten; but ultimately provide the much needed strength to discover Truth.
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True Power
" True power does not need arrogance, a long beard and a barking voice. True power is attained with silk ribbons, charm and intelligence"
- Oriana Fallaci in "Il Divo"
- Oriana Fallaci in "Il Divo"
My Journey
Prisoners of Our Past
I rented a very powerful movie a couple nights ago. The backdrop for this documentary is disturbing and definitely not for everyone. Unfathomable as it sounds, 'Forgiving Dr Mengele' is about Holocaust survivor Eva Kor's courageous mission to tell her story and forgive the Nazis( and eventually Dr Joseph Mengele) for all of their wrongdoings at Auschwitz before/ during World War II.
Known as Dr Death, Joseph Mengele was the most twisted of Hitler's SS death squad. Under the guise of 'research', Joseph Mengele separated all the identical twins and conducted series of intrusive and unforgivable tests that lasted for months at a time. Most didn't survive. Eva Kor, the ultimate survivor, and a select few of the 'Mengele Twins' lived to tell the tale. Living on no more than crumbs and contaminated water, Eva said her prayers daily and 'scolded others for dieing' as she to refusing to give up. The rest is history.
"We might not live in the past, but the past lives in us"
- Samual Pisal
Holocaust Survivor
I was so moved by Eva Kor's drive and inner strength. Number one, to actually live through that harrowing experience is mind blowing. But to have to guts(and wisdom) to actually know that the path to inner peace is to accept and move on from life's trials and tribulations. To not allow our enemies to live 'rent free' in our forgive(but not forget) and 'let go' of our past is daunting. She was quoted as saying "revenge has never been known to heal anyone". All I can say is "Wow".
As she walks us through the history of her experience at Auschwitz, Eva's method of recovery stemmed from her desire to 'not be a prisoner ever again'. Forgiving those who've harmed her most, Eva took this thought to a whole new level and killed all her demons with kindness. This story has made me re-think my position on recovery( Full recovery is only achieved when family members show true remorse).
I still believe that true remorse will undoubtedly assist those in the process of recovery. But if those that hurt us are gone and/or not reachable, we have to find a way to slience our 'unquiet minds' and refuse to be prisoners of our past. Forgiveness is the answer. And I'd like to thank Eva Kor for reminding me of this.
Known as Dr Death, Joseph Mengele was the most twisted of Hitler's SS death squad. Under the guise of 'research', Joseph Mengele separated all the identical twins and conducted series of intrusive and unforgivable tests that lasted for months at a time. Most didn't survive. Eva Kor, the ultimate survivor, and a select few of the 'Mengele Twins' lived to tell the tale. Living on no more than crumbs and contaminated water, Eva said her prayers daily and 'scolded others for dieing' as she to refusing to give up. The rest is history.
"We might not live in the past, but the past lives in us"
- Samual Pisal
Holocaust Survivor
I was so moved by Eva Kor's drive and inner strength. Number one, to actually live through that harrowing experience is mind blowing. But to have to guts(and wisdom) to actually know that the path to inner peace is to accept and move on from life's trials and tribulations. To not allow our enemies to live 'rent free' in our forgive(but not forget) and 'let go' of our past is daunting. She was quoted as saying "revenge has never been known to heal anyone". All I can say is "Wow".
As she walks us through the history of her experience at Auschwitz, Eva's method of recovery stemmed from her desire to 'not be a prisoner ever again'. Forgiving those who've harmed her most, Eva took this thought to a whole new level and killed all her demons with kindness. This story has made me re-think my position on recovery( Full recovery is only achieved when family members show true remorse).
I still believe that true remorse will undoubtedly assist those in the process of recovery. But if those that hurt us are gone and/or not reachable, we have to find a way to slience our 'unquiet minds' and refuse to be prisoners of our past. Forgiveness is the answer. And I'd like to thank Eva Kor for reminding me of this.
Indigo Children, Mental Health and our Quest for Light
The following is an email I received recently from a dear friend of mine. She really sheds some light on my journey. I've been spinning my wheels for years. Trying to find myself. Always searching.......for The Light.
"I still ......haven't found ....what I'm looking for" - Bono
Well, I finally found it. And it turns out I had it the whole time.
I've rediscovered my passion and I know my purpose is to make a difference.
All I can say is 'Wow'
Are you aware of Indigo people? I think that this is something I should bring to your attention, just in case you aren’t aware. It's time.
The Indigo life is no bed of roses. If you have read some of the particular traits of Indigo people, you have learned that we have quite a bit stacked against us in our early lives. In fact, we are classic late bloomers, and because of this, Indigo youth have a very high amount of difficulty assimilating into the mainstream. This is mostly because the mainstream caters to the average mind and intellect, and most Indigos are far from average. This can result in the flaring of depression, and also the abuse of alcohol and drugs. Sometimes it leads to suicide. Misdiagnosis of ADD/ADHD and other ‘new age’ illnesses such as Bipolar Disorder add to the confusion, and the youngster is often drugged into submission at a point of life where they need to develop their minds the most.
Adults often don’t have it much better. Because of a lack of adult mentors and guidance, the adult Indigo person often finds themselves adrift, alienated, and at odds with their lives and desires. Their particular Gifts can manifest themselves in very frightening ways, and the great physical and mental changes that their prime begins to bring to them can frighten them into paralyzing panic attacks.
The Indigo passages are particularly rough and difficult for a reason. They burn away the dross and lassitude and inner ignorance and fear and temper us for strength in our true work here. The personal victory over our problems in our personal lives and our discovery and use of the unique Indigo gifts we have gives us the depth of experience to weather the difficulties the entire world faces. With our own rough passages behind us, our job is to assume a role of mentor and quiet leadership for those who also seek Light. All the pain and suffering is our ‘been there, done that, here’s what I did to get past it’ card. And it teaches us perseverance and gives us a depth of inner reserve that will be needed in the difficult days to come.
The current war is one obvious symptom of the great spiritual rot that has been growing in the world for the last half century. In spite of incredible technological advances and breakthroughs, people have sunk into incredible depths of helplessness, physical and spiritual poverty, ignorance, fear, and religious fanaticism. Others have taken the opportunity of the general indifference to their governments and communities to seize and consolidate power, squashing all competition and dissent. The gap between the rich and poor – in both material and spiritual matters- has become enormous. Miscommunication and disinformation is rife, and Truth is a rare and fleeting thing. Everything has its particular ‘spin’, and the absurd is now normal. We have great technological tools and incredible scientific advances, but they are being put to horrible use. Good ideas are being buried under piles of litigation. A great cloud of fear-filled darkness is enveloping our world. A tiny number of power- addled people is steering the great mass of humanity and its world into darkness and spiritual slavery.
What is the Indigo purpose? Our purpose is to anchor small, but growing points of Light, Life, and Love into these growing spots of darkness- to provide a place and means of hope, awakening, and insight which will begin to dissipate the darkness. This is done in a natural and subtly quiet way, not by forceful preaching or screaming in the streets. Indigos must use our natural Gifts and our particular places in our communities to establish and anchor the Light, and do it in such a way that the community we serve believes that they did it on their own. (They may eventually discover the Lightworker in their midst, but they will have to look carefully!) Our strength will give strength to those who feel hopeless, and Awaken them, permitting them to shine their own Light into the darkness. Person by person, soul by soul, light by light, the vast majority of people will outstrip the spiritual darkness and turn this world around. Fear will be replaced by love and tolerance. Ignorance will be replaced by knowledge. Lassitude will be replaced by action. Dogma will be replaced by direct understanding. Balance will be restored to both humanity and the planet. We will become true spiritual peers, not the ‘us’ and ‘them’ of the old ways. When a critical turnover point is reached in the relighting of our world, our awareness of this planet as a living, conscious being will become more commonplace. People calling themselves Earth Talkers will appear, speaking for the local areas, directing the inhabitants to utilize the land in an optimal way. As people Awaken, they will become more attuned to the Greater World- our local Cosmos- the sun, moon and planets, and learn to work with their cycles of energy to heal both themselves and the planet.
We will continue to evolve. Some Indigo people are undergoing another passage into the next octave of awareness- what the New Agers call "Crystal", but also known as Octarine. These people will have the ability to see the vast array of thoughts, dreams, wishes and needs of humanity, and to pop in and out of various dimensions at will to help work on these needs. They have highly developed and directed minds- and are capable of sensing more than one universe or dimension at a time. This enables them to be in more than one place at once, and help to direct Light to places most badly in need of it. They use dreams of hope and love as well as serendipitous solutions to help anchor the Light, and give positive visions to those whose word would propagate the Light thus established. They help to sow and establish hope and catalyze the ability to overcome difficulty. They tighten the light bulb in its socket.
This breakover to Light will begin slowly, but as it propagates into the world, will pick up speed and flash into reality, overturning the darkness in a dramatic manner. The old oppressors will try to keep their stranglehold on the planet, but in turn will also realize the Light will heal them as well. In letting go of the old way of imbalance, they help to return the world to stability, peace, and balance.
This is our purpose. This is our mission. This is why we have been run through the grinder. Now that you have an idea of the Big Picture, you can begin to see a way to make it happen. It is a change of mind, a change of heart, and an opening to our greater potential as human beings. It can be done without the weapons, terror, death, and suffering of the Darkness. It is happening now, and you are part of it.
Stay strong - AP
For those interested in more information on Indigo Children, I highly suggest .........
And And .........
One - UG
"I still ......haven't found ....what I'm looking for" - Bono
Well, I finally found it. And it turns out I had it the whole time.
I've rediscovered my passion and I know my purpose is to make a difference.
All I can say is 'Wow'
Are you aware of Indigo people? I think that this is something I should bring to your attention, just in case you aren’t aware. It's time.
The Indigo life is no bed of roses. If you have read some of the particular traits of Indigo people, you have learned that we have quite a bit stacked against us in our early lives. In fact, we are classic late bloomers, and because of this, Indigo youth have a very high amount of difficulty assimilating into the mainstream. This is mostly because the mainstream caters to the average mind and intellect, and most Indigos are far from average. This can result in the flaring of depression, and also the abuse of alcohol and drugs. Sometimes it leads to suicide. Misdiagnosis of ADD/ADHD and other ‘new age’ illnesses such as Bipolar Disorder add to the confusion, and the youngster is often drugged into submission at a point of life where they need to develop their minds the most.
Adults often don’t have it much better. Because of a lack of adult mentors and guidance, the adult Indigo person often finds themselves adrift, alienated, and at odds with their lives and desires. Their particular Gifts can manifest themselves in very frightening ways, and the great physical and mental changes that their prime begins to bring to them can frighten them into paralyzing panic attacks.
The Indigo passages are particularly rough and difficult for a reason. They burn away the dross and lassitude and inner ignorance and fear and temper us for strength in our true work here. The personal victory over our problems in our personal lives and our discovery and use of the unique Indigo gifts we have gives us the depth of experience to weather the difficulties the entire world faces. With our own rough passages behind us, our job is to assume a role of mentor and quiet leadership for those who also seek Light. All the pain and suffering is our ‘been there, done that, here’s what I did to get past it’ card. And it teaches us perseverance and gives us a depth of inner reserve that will be needed in the difficult days to come.
The current war is one obvious symptom of the great spiritual rot that has been growing in the world for the last half century. In spite of incredible technological advances and breakthroughs, people have sunk into incredible depths of helplessness, physical and spiritual poverty, ignorance, fear, and religious fanaticism. Others have taken the opportunity of the general indifference to their governments and communities to seize and consolidate power, squashing all competition and dissent. The gap between the rich and poor – in both material and spiritual matters- has become enormous. Miscommunication and disinformation is rife, and Truth is a rare and fleeting thing. Everything has its particular ‘spin’, and the absurd is now normal. We have great technological tools and incredible scientific advances, but they are being put to horrible use. Good ideas are being buried under piles of litigation. A great cloud of fear-filled darkness is enveloping our world. A tiny number of power- addled people is steering the great mass of humanity and its world into darkness and spiritual slavery.
What is the Indigo purpose? Our purpose is to anchor small, but growing points of Light, Life, and Love into these growing spots of darkness- to provide a place and means of hope, awakening, and insight which will begin to dissipate the darkness. This is done in a natural and subtly quiet way, not by forceful preaching or screaming in the streets. Indigos must use our natural Gifts and our particular places in our communities to establish and anchor the Light, and do it in such a way that the community we serve believes that they did it on their own. (They may eventually discover the Lightworker in their midst, but they will have to look carefully!) Our strength will give strength to those who feel hopeless, and Awaken them, permitting them to shine their own Light into the darkness. Person by person, soul by soul, light by light, the vast majority of people will outstrip the spiritual darkness and turn this world around. Fear will be replaced by love and tolerance. Ignorance will be replaced by knowledge. Lassitude will be replaced by action. Dogma will be replaced by direct understanding. Balance will be restored to both humanity and the planet. We will become true spiritual peers, not the ‘us’ and ‘them’ of the old ways. When a critical turnover point is reached in the relighting of our world, our awareness of this planet as a living, conscious being will become more commonplace. People calling themselves Earth Talkers will appear, speaking for the local areas, directing the inhabitants to utilize the land in an optimal way. As people Awaken, they will become more attuned to the Greater World- our local Cosmos- the sun, moon and planets, and learn to work with their cycles of energy to heal both themselves and the planet.
We will continue to evolve. Some Indigo people are undergoing another passage into the next octave of awareness- what the New Agers call "Crystal", but also known as Octarine. These people will have the ability to see the vast array of thoughts, dreams, wishes and needs of humanity, and to pop in and out of various dimensions at will to help work on these needs. They have highly developed and directed minds- and are capable of sensing more than one universe or dimension at a time. This enables them to be in more than one place at once, and help to direct Light to places most badly in need of it. They use dreams of hope and love as well as serendipitous solutions to help anchor the Light, and give positive visions to those whose word would propagate the Light thus established. They help to sow and establish hope and catalyze the ability to overcome difficulty. They tighten the light bulb in its socket.
This breakover to Light will begin slowly, but as it propagates into the world, will pick up speed and flash into reality, overturning the darkness in a dramatic manner. The old oppressors will try to keep their stranglehold on the planet, but in turn will also realize the Light will heal them as well. In letting go of the old way of imbalance, they help to return the world to stability, peace, and balance.
This is our purpose. This is our mission. This is why we have been run through the grinder. Now that you have an idea of the Big Picture, you can begin to see a way to make it happen. It is a change of mind, a change of heart, and an opening to our greater potential as human beings. It can be done without the weapons, terror, death, and suffering of the Darkness. It is happening now, and you are part of it.
Stay strong - AP
For those interested in more information on Indigo Children, I highly suggest .........
And (regarding Indigo Behavioral Disorders) .........
And And .........
One - UG
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