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True Power

" True power does not need arrogance, a long beard and a barking voice. True power is attained with silk ribbons, charm and intelligence"

- Oriana Fallaci in "Il Divo"


Carry On

When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.

I’ve been studying the topic/theory of ‘letting go’ for about 10 years now. One of my first books(manual) on the topic, ‘The Power of Now’ (Eckhart Tolle) showed me how to watch my thoughts; to be an astute observer of my mind. 

'Fitting in' been a constant throughout my life. Ever since I was a child, people have looked at me differently. Being diagnosed with bipolar disorder in 1997 simply added fuel to the fire. The mundane tended to shrug off my philosophies and theories as being ‘part of the illness”. Many years of trying to ‘learn them me’ has lead to a dead end.

 In any form of deep thought, we’re taught to stay present and ‘just be’. On the contrary, 'in order to grow, we must go back”. And going back is a very tricky bridge to cross. A double-edged sword if you will. Many of our friends and family members are stuck. And their unturned stones are unturned for a reason. Simply because we've been given the gift of enlightenment doesn't give us the right to fix everyone else.

Meditation is my method of starting the day and connecting with all that is pure. It's magical. However, it would serve no purpose to describe the indescribable. Besides, I've found that the details of this path to enlightenment are to be only discussed with the willing and able. If not, we'll get stuck defending our views.

 So enjoy your gift enlightened ones. Continue your process of growth.  Carry on.

 Because in the end, the only person we can change is ourselves.



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